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Fines are charged at a rate of 10 cents for each day an item is late with a maximum fine of $5.00 per item.



Fines for are charged at a rate of 50 cents per day with a maximum fine of $10.00 per DVD.

Automatic Blockage will occur when $5.00 in fines has accrued.

Lost Materials: Please see a staff member for lost material charges.


The Borough of Totowa Public Library is closed at the discretion of the Board of Trustee President and Director of the library. They will also decide when the weather has improved sufficiently to reopen the library.

Please call ahead (973-790-3265 X10) or check our Twitter Feed, also posted on this website's home page, before coming to the library to be sure that the library is open.

All overddue video fines will be waived for the days the library are closed due to inclement weather.


By selecting YES, permission is granted to the Borough of Totowa and The Borough of Totowa Public Library to use any photographs in any Borough of Totowa Public Library promotional material (e.g., brochures, website, newspaper press). I waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the photographs. On behalf of myself and all other persons or entities, I release and forever discharge the Borough of Totowa and its employees, officials, and agents from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action of any kind or nature arising from the use of the photographs under this release. I have read this document and understand its contents. 


The Borough of Totowa Public Library encourages children of all ages to visit the library and hopes they will find it a warm, inviting place to be. Programs and resources are offered to make the library enticing to children, to help children enjoy their visits, and to develop a love of books, reading and libraries.

The happiness and safety of children left alone at the library is of serious concern to the staff.  Young children left on their own in the library become bored, restless and disruptive. Young children are not safe when left unattended.  Further, the staff cannot know if the child is leaving the building with parents or strangers.  


Parent; please be aware that just because your child says they are coming to the library does not mean that they are in the building.  Further the staff cannot know if your child is inside the building or outside the building and cannot be responsible for outside hazards or dangers (i.e. busy parking lot, ramp, steep hill). 


We urge parents to keep in mind that the library is a public building and it is not in any child’s best interest to be left here unattended.

Due to the large volume of after school activity, staff members are not permitted to answer phone calls or in person inquires as to the whereabouts of your child.


It is not our intention to seek out unattended children, but rather to have reasoned response prepared when a problem presents itself.  For the protection and well-being of children who visit our library, the following policy has been established.


An UNATTENDED CHILD is defined as any child under the age of 17 using the public library and facilities unaccompanied by a parent or responsible caregiver.

  1. The library is not responsible for the care of unattended minors. The library is not intended to be a daycare, after school care facility, summer camp or babysitting service.

  2. Children under the age of six may not be left unattended by an adult/caregiver in any part of the library, including the stairwells, elevator, upper and lower level.

  3. Children six to eight years of age must have a caregiver (age 13 or over) present in the library, unless a child is attending a library sponsored program.

  4. Children aged nine through twelve may be left in the library without an adult/caregiver for reasonable periods of time, parents are responsible for their behavior and will be contacted if necessary. (Reasonable periods of time may vary with a child’s maturity, but generally one to two hours is acceptable).

  5. If problems arise while younger children are using the library or if they are left alone, the library staff will attempt to contact the parents. If the library staff is unable to reach the parents, the Totowa Police will be called.

  6. Children thirteen and over may be in the library without an adult. However, should disciplinary problems arise; the library may ask the child to leave. In that event, the library assumes no further responsibility for the child.

  7. Parents are required to be at the library no later than fifteen minutes before closing to pick up children, if not the child will be brought over to the Totowa Police Headquarters.



Under no circumstances will the library assume custodial responsibility for any child.


Parents, not library staff, are responsible for the behavior of their children using the library and may be held liable for any damage they cause.


This policy/procedure was reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting on 2/23/2011.  Updated 9/26/2013


Purpose:  In an effort to provide a comfortable ad safe environment for all Library patrons, the Board of Trustees of the Totowa Public Library has established a Library Patron Behavior Policy (“The Policy”) The Policy is designed to provide clear and reasonable guidelines governing patron behavior within the Library and on the Library premises.

Unacceptable Behavior:  Unacceptable behavior includes behavior within the Library or on Library premises that interferes with the use of the Library by other patrons, creates a risk of injury to other patrons or Library personnel, interferes with the work of Library personnel, or creates a risk of damage to Library property.  Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to:


  1. Use of profanity, abusive or threatening  language

  2. Threatening gestures or unwanted physical contact

  3. Possession of weapons of any kind, except by law enforcement officers

  4. Damaging, defacing or theft of any Library property or materials; the Library staff may ask to examine users’ handbags, briefcases, or other packages to help assure compliance with checkout procedure: the Library has the right to confiscate unattended backpacks, duffle bags etc.

  5. Possession or use of alcohol except at authorized Library functions

  6. Possession or use of illegal drugs, narcotics or controlled substances

  7. Use of tobacco products        

  8. Unreasonable noise level including shouting, lo talking or disruptive conversation, allowing ringing cell phones or engaging in loud cell phone conversation

  9. Consuming food except in designated areas or at authorized Library functions

  10. Lack of personal hygiene that interferes with the use and enjoyment of the Library by other patrons or interferes with the work of Library personnel

  11. Bringing animals into the Library except those who are part of a program or are registered service animals


Enforcement Violation of the Policy may result in escalating responses ranging from limitation or revocation of the patron’s Library privilege(s) to removal from the premises or criminal prosecution if the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state or federal law.

The Director or her authorized designee, upon staff recommendation, may limit or revoke the patron’s Library privilege(s).  Such limitation or revocation shall be in writing and shall be effective upon being sent to the patron’s address on file with the Library.  A patron whose privilege(s) has been limited or revoked may appeal the limitation or revocation of the issuance of the written revocation within ten (10) days of the written revocation.  The appeal will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees whose decision is final.  The patron whose privilege(s) has been limited or revoked shall attend a meeting with the Director to review this Library Patron Behavior Policy before his privilege(s) may be reinstated.

Adopted by the Borough of Totowa Free Public Library Board of Trustees June 24, 2020.



It is the policy of the Borough of Totowa Public Library to dispose of library materials, furniture and equipment that are no longer functional or useful in a manner that serves the best interests of the library and to the extent possible, the best interests of the community.

If an item of furniture or equipment is determined at the departmental level to be no longer functional or useful, the Director will determine whether disposition is appropriate.

When the Director determines an item of furniture or equipment no longer has value to the Library, it will be removed from inventory and disposed of in one of the following ways:

  1. Books and other materials no longer deemed appropriate for the collection will be donated to the Friends of the Totowa Library for disposal through their book sale.

  2. Computer equipment may be donated or recycled.

  3. Furniture or equipment no longer of use to the Library and of minor value may be donated to a non-profit, charitable organization.

  4. Items not covered by the above will be sold through auction or publicly advertised sale, including internet sale, with any proceeds from such sale being deposited to the general fund of the library.

  5. If an item is determined to have marginal or no resale value, or does not sell through auction or publicly advertised sale, it may be sold or discarded in the best interest of the library.

  6. Trade-in allowances on any item of equipment being replaced or upgraded may be accepted.


Adopted by the Borough of Totowa Free Public Library Board of Trustees January 26, 2022


Phone: 973-790-3265

Front Desk: Ext 10

Children's Room: Ext 13

537 Totowa Road

Totowa, NJ 07512

Email the Director


Monday — Thursday: 10:00am-8:00pm
Friday: 10:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am-2:00pm

Closed Saturday in July & August

© 2023  All Rights Reserved by Borough of Totowa Public Library

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